The bet36365体育 Health Sciences Office provides one-on-one advising or consultation with students interested in a healthcare career during New Student Enrollment (NSE).
See the list below to determine which pre-health advisor you will need to see for the academic year.
Peggy Abels, Health Science Programs Director, is your advisor if your program is:
- Pre-Medicine
- Pre-Osteopathic Medicine
- Pre-Pharmacy
- Pre-Podiatry
Stefani Wegner, Assistant Director of Health Science Programs is your advisor if your program is:
- Pre-Cardiovascular Perfusion
- Pre-Chiropractic
- Pre-Medical Laboratory Science
- Pre-Dietetics
- Pre-Health Information Management
- Pre-Mortuary Science
- Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Pre-Optometry
- Pre-Physical Therapy
- Deciding Health Science Students
Julie Calahan, Engagement and Retention Coordinator, is your advisor if your program is:
- Pre-Dental
- Pre-Dental Hygiene
- Pre-Physician Assistant
Tom Knott, Academic Outreach Specialist, is your advisor if your program is:
- Pre-Nursing
- Pre-Radiological Technology
- Pre-Respiratory Therapy
Dr. Todd Bartee, Coordinator of Public Health Programs, is your advisor if your program is:
- Pre-Public Health
- Public Health Minor
- 3+2 Master of Public Health
If you have declared a major, you will also have a major advisor assigned to you. Other scholarship or special programs may also assign an advisor to you, such as the Thompson Scholars or Honors Programs. If you have specific questions regarding your major or scholarship programs, we encourage you to ask your other advisor to address those questions.
Email is the best way to contact Peggy (, Stefani (, Julie (, Tom (, or Todd ( Students are also welcomed to walk-in or call-in to see an advisor or to schedule an appointment.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Location: Bruner Hall of Science Room 170
Phone: 308-865-8260.
It is the student's responsibility to report any courses not taken at bet36365体育 to their advisor.
First, make sure you tell your advisor that you have college credits you are planning to transfer to bet36365体育. Next, be sure to tell your advisor the names of the courses that you have taken and are planning to transfer. Finally, make sure that you have an official transcript from the institution granting credit sent to the Office of Student Records and Registration at bet36365体育. If you have further questions regarding transfer credit, you may contact the Office of Student Records and Registration at 308-865-8527 or
Additional information may also be found on their website:
The office is located in Bruner Hall of Science, Room 170. (directly across from the Planetarium)
Yes, you can make changes to your schedule through the first week of classes each semester (fall or spring). Contact your pre-health advisor for assistance.
We would love to have you join the Club. Be sure to check your LoperMail for your weekly edition of the Health Science Weekly newsletter. This will include information on upcoming activities. You may also like our page on Facebook to learn more about us.
Investigate the career you are interested in pursuing to learn all about it. Job shadowing or interviewing a healthcare professional in the area in which you are interested is a great way to learn more. Volunteer at a hospital or clinic if possible.
Check out Preparing for a Healthcare Career: The Basics handout for more information.